Cleaning The Lav Concealer

Cleaning The Lav Concealer

Sometimes it may be necessary to clean your Lav Concealers, removing unwanted grime, dust and any other contaminants. The Lav Concealer is made of 100% biodegradable rubber, so we show you how to clean it properly while protecting the material in this guide video

Sometimes it may be necessary to clean your Lav Concealers, removing unwanted grime, dust and any other contaminants. The Lav Concealer is made of 100% biodegradable rubber, so we show you how to clean it properly while protecting the material in this video guide:

Cleaning instructions:

  1. Rinse the Lav Concealer under luke-warm water (35 to 40 degrees Celsius)
  2. Add a drop of dish washing detergent to The Lav Concealer and work it over the concealer with your fingers, getting it into all the grooves and over all the surface area.
  3. Rinse away the dirt and soap. Repeat process if desired.
  4. Leave on clean, cool surface away from the sun to dry.
  5. It is possible to use a light antibacterial spray and alcohol-soaked wipes if you feel the need. Just be sure to rinse The Lav Concealer well afterwards.

We hope you found this useful. For more info on the Bubblebee range of Lav Concealers, covering all major lavalier models including Sennheiser, DPA Microphones, Countryman, RODE and Sanken lavalier mics, click here. To get hold of them to try them out in person, contact your nearest Bubblebee dealer.

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