The Lav Concealer is here and designed to tackle all the serious issues you have to face as a sound mixer - vibration, fabric noise and adaptability for secure fitting. Find out more about what's possible with this ingenious sound tool here. We have compiled a series of tips on how to use it correctly and get the best results. Here's the first of the series - how to mount your microphone in The Lav Concealer:
Step 1:
Remove the metal clothing clip to allow proper access to the microphone's entry point.
Step 2:
Use your thumb or fingers to fold back the Lav Concealer's 'collar' section (the cable guide part of the concealer).
Step 3:
Insert the microphone holding on to the body of the mic, or the base of the body, with a semi-firm grip so as not to apply too much strain to the cable join.
We hope this short guide helps. View all our guides here.
For more assistance please contact your local Bubblebee Dealer, and failing that, drop us a line with a question via our contact page.